Top Train Ticket FAQ

Do you have questions in your mind regarding booking of train tickets in advance and not sure when ticket booking can be done at IRCTC website, for your future train journey, then you are at the right place. These train ticket FAQs will help in clearing your doubts about train reservation current rules in India.

Understanding these booking timelines and procedures ensures a smoother travel experience with Indian Railways

Train Ticket FAQs

Which date railway booking open today ?

As of today, you can book train tickets for journeys up to 60 days in advance. Simply deduct 60 days from your train journey date, to determine railway booking open date.

How many days before train ticket booking

You can book a train ticket up to 60 days before your planned travel date. This period is known as the Advance Reservation Period (ARP).

What is 60 days in advance booking time for a train ticket?

The Advance Reservation Period (ARP) is the time frame during which you can book train tickets before your journey. As of November 1, 2024, the ARP has been reduced from 120 days to 60 days. This means you can now book your train tickets up to 60 days before your intended travel date.

How do I change my train ticket date?

To change the date of your train ticket, you need to cancel your current ticket and book a new one for the desired date. Please note that cancellation charges may apply, depending on how close your cancellation is to the departure date. It’s advisable to check the latest cancellation and refund policies on the official Indian Railways website or consult with the booking authority.

Can I book train tickets 3 months in advance?

No, currently you cannot book train tickets 3 months (approximately 90 days) in advance. The Advance Reservation Period is now 60 days, so you can book tickets up to 2 months before your travel date.

What is the reservation period?

The reservation period is the maximum number of days before your journey date that you can book a train ticket. As of November 1, 2024, the ARP is 60 days.

What is an advance rail ticket?

An advance rail ticket is a train ticket booked before the day of travel. In India, you can book such tickets up to 60 days in advance, which helps ensure you have a confirmed seat or berth for your journey.

What is the timing of advance ticket booking?

Advance ticket bookings can be made online or at railway reservation counters starting at 8:00 AM Indian Standard Time (IST) on all days, including Sundays. This timing applies to general reservations made during the Advance Reservation Period.

4-month advance train ticket booking time?

Previously, Indian Railways allowed booking train tickets up to 120 days (approximately 4 months) in advance. However, since November 1, 2024, this period has been reduced to 60 days. Therefore, you can now book tickets up to 2 months before your travel date.

Is tatkal 24 or 48 hours?

Tatkal ticket booking opens one day (24 hours) before the scheduled departure of the train from its originating station. For example, if a train is departing on March 5, Tatkal bookings for that train will open at 10:00 AM on March 4 for AC classes and at 11:00 AM for non-AC classes.

What is Tatkal ticket timing?

Tatkal ticket booking timings are as follows:​
AC Classes (2A/3A/CC/EC/3E): Booking starts at 10:00 AM, one day before the train’s scheduled departure from the originating station.​
Non-AC Classes (SL/FC/2S): Booking starts at 11:00 AM, one day before the train’s scheduled departure from the originating station.