IRCTC 60 Days Train Ticket Booking Date Calculator

The 60 days advance train ticket booking date calculator will calculate the date of booking an IRCTC ticket for any journey date. You can add this booking date to your favorite calendar and get notified on the booking day. It will also show the tatkal booking date and timings for current date. You can save time and avoid stress with this calculator.

Today you can book tickets for journey dates till 13-05-2025
The above date is calculated assuming the train starts from the starting station on the same day

Train Booking Date Calculator

How to use this calculator:

  1. Select your train journey date from the calendar.
  2. The calculator will automatically show the IRCTC booking opening date.
  3. For Tatkal bookings, additional information will also be displayed.
Note: As per the latest guidelines, Indian Railways allows bookings 60 days in advance. Dates calculated here are estimates—always confirm with the IRCTC official website for any change in guidelines.

The IRCTC Ticket Booking System

The IRCTC ticket booking system is designed to facilitate easy access to train tickets throughout India. The system shows available booking dates, and the IRCTC website shows the booking date and time. It is easy to use and safe. By utilizing the IRCTC ticket date calculator, users can better understand the various booking periods available and make informed decisions about their travel plans.

Importance of 60 Days Advance Booking

Advance booking is very helpful. It makes your travel smooth. You can plan your trip by knowing the correct booking date. This method saves you from a last-minute rush. This is especially important during peak seasons or holidays when train tickets can sell out quickly.

By booking tickets 60 days in advance, travelers can avoid last-minute hassles and ensure a smoother journey. This advance reservation period enables individuals to choose their travel dates with the assurance that they can secure tickets on time.

Using the IRCTC Ticket Date Calculator

This tool is a train ticket date calculator. It tells you when you can book a train ticket. It uses clear numbers to calculate the booking date. You can access the date calculator online at The tool is free and simple to use.

The IRCTC Train ticket booking date Calculator is a user-friendly tool designed to help travelers determine their ticket booking date efficiently. Users can quickly calculate when they can start booking their IRCTC tickets by inputting the desired travel date. This feature is handy for those planning ahead and looking to secure tickets during busy travel periods.

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculate Booking Dates

  1. Open the Tool: Visit the website
  2. Enter Journey Date: Input the date of your journey.
  3. View Booking Date: The tool shows the booking date instantaneously.

Features of the Advance Ticket Date Calculator

  • Simple Design: The tool is easy to understand.
  • Fast Calculation: It gives results in a short time.
  • Accurate Data: It shows exact booking dates.

“This tool makes booking easy and fun.”

Changing Travel Dates After Booking

Travelers often find themselves needing to change their travel dates after booking an IRCTC ticket. Fortunately, the Indian Railways allows for some flexibility in this regard. Users can modify their journey date through the official IRCTC website, although there are specific rules and timelines that must be adhered to for such changes.

Selecting the Right Travel Date

Selecting the right travel date is crucial for a successful journey. Factors such as holidays, weekends, and special events can greatly impact ticket availability and prices. By using the ticket date calculator, travelers can analyze these aspects and choose a date that maximizes their chances of securing train tickets, ensuring a more enjoyable travel experience.

Common Questions About IRCTC Ticket Booking

Where can I book the train tickets?

Train tickets can be booked through the official IRCTC website or mobile app, which provides a user-friendly interface for travelers.

What is the timing for booking an advance train ticket?

The window to book an advance train ticket opens at 8:00 AM on the specified booking date. The ticket date calculator can help you determine the exact train booking date for your specific journey date.

The 60 Days Booking Time – When Does Booking Open?

Booking for trains under the IRCTC system opens 60 days before the date of your journey. With the advance ticket date calculator at, you can pinpoint the exact date when booking opens for your desired journey.

What Happens if I Miss the Booking Window?

The IRCTC ticket booking system operates on strict timelines, and once the booking date has passed, you will not be able to secure tickets for that particular train. However, you can consider alternative trains or routes to adjust your travel plans.

Can I Book Multiple Tickets for Different Days?

Yes, you can book multiple tickets for different days using the IRCTC ticket booking system. This flexibility is beneficial for travelers who have varied itineraries. When using the ticket date calculator, simply input each journey date to find out when you can start booking for those specific dates.

What Should I Do if My Plans Change?

If your travel plans change after booking a ticket, there are options available through the IRCTC platform. You can modify your journey date by visiting the official website. However, be mindful of the advance reservation period and any associated fees.